Friday, December 27, 2013

Key Characteristics of White Trash

KeywordsWhat is white trash, you might be white trash if, how do you know if someone is white trash, someone is white trash if, definition: white trash, pics white trash people, How to tell if someone is white trash, How do you tell if someone is white trash, etc.

Based upon a limited survey of  people, here is a list of the key characteristics of white trash people.   The following criteria are elitist and based upon aristocratic standards, i.e. these criteria reject Cultural Marxism and view whites as genetically fit and call out those whites who seek to trash this genetic heritage as white trash.

Characteristics of White Trash:

1.  The oldest and purist characteristic.  Based upon the traditional meaning of white trash, a person is white trash who dates or marries a non-white.  Demographics:  White women who inter-racially date are white trash.

2.  If you are white and most of your friends are non-white.

3.  Wiggers or other whites who imitate black culture, e.g. whites who regularly listen to rap music.

4.  White people who often eat Mexican food or other Third World spicy food (.e.g Indian food).  (Mestizos are now fattest people on planet and should not be imitated, not to mention fact that Mexican food smells like body odor.)  Preference for spicy food correlates with high-risk behavior.

5.  Whites who study a lower-class language like Spanish instead of an upper-class language like French, German or Latin.

6.  Whites who often tan.

7.  White Christian girly men who suffer from pathological altruism.

8.  White people who watch TV more than 8 hours a week.

Further Reading:

Randolph Johansen
Randolph Johansen
Randolph Johansen
Lawrence Auster: "The Truth of Interracial Rape in the United States"

Thomas Carter:  "What Race Are Hispanics?"

Alfred Clark: "95% of White Americans Have No African Ancestry" and "Are women who tan sluts?"

A.J. Fisher: "Biological Problems with Mixed-Race Families, Marriages Relationships & Adoptions"

Chateau Heartiste: "The Truth About Mixed-Race Couples"

Randolph Johansen:  "Tanning = White Trash"

Steve Sailer: "Ethnic Nepotism And The Reality Of Race"

Jared Taylor: "Pathological Altruism"

Unamusement Park:  "Perils of Miscegenation"



  1. There is absolutely nothing more white trash than walking in WalMart and seeing a white woman with some nigletts in tow.

    Whites reproducing with non-whites = epitome of white trash

    1. After a white woman squeezes out a niglett or two she's pretty much marked as white trash for the rest of her life...

      The only thing more white trash than this are the retarded whites who adopt non-whites.

  2. whites who hang out with a bunch of mestizos and pretend to be mestizos are white trash

  3. Do you guys recommend Japanese or not? i like the language and Japan is an important country, but i am motivated to learn the language by popular culture most of all, Japan produce many Anime (like Sailor Moon) while i don't hear about popular French or German TVseries, i have only watched European Tvseries from United Kingdom (like Misfits) and from Spain (like Aquí No Hay Quien Viva) .

    1. Sister, learn at least the Japanese characters that are shared with Mandarin Chinese, the importance of China will grow in the future, though i understand your lack of interest in Chinese per se for now. Is a win- win situation , though i think China, Taiwan and Japan should use exactly the same characters ,many Japanophiles would be benefited in their debate of what to study, Chinese or Japanese?

  4. I'm against miscegenation but if a white is going to practice it at least practice it with the other superior race: north asians.

    But a white who breeds with blacks or mestizos is truly white trash.

    1. North asians are not a superior race and the kids end up looking like Mexicans and playing with their tongues (asian mouth, white sized tongue) so....

      Still white trash babes. Sorry.

  5. Spanish is a European romance language. Also, it might be entirely useful to learn it and that is really the only criteria that matters.

  6. Yeah sure. The language of Cervantes is white trash. Give me a fucking break.

    1. It's a shame. I must be trash. I speak Spanish... and English, French, Italian, and German. Incidentally, I'm Basque... you know, the oldest European Race, the one's that stopped the Moors from taking over Europe, the one's that volunteered for Hitler in the 250th Wehrmacht, you know the ones. Or do you? Unfortunately, we see you, the half bred Amerindian/European descendants in indentured servants, as the real mixed race. We need you to continue the indolent ideals of "Southern Heritage" so that we can continue to have the necessary populous of indigent, ignorant, moronic, inbred asking us things like, "Do you want fries with that?", or my personal favorite, "Hey y'all, watch this!", as you test Darwinism to its fullest measure. We need imbeciles, such as those of you that believe Northern Spanish people are not white, to continue to enlist and "serve" in our armed forces, so that we, the true, oldest, longest living undoubtedly whitest individuals on the planet, we Basques, can continue to thrive economically from your misconstrued ideals borne from the sweat of your "white supremacist" false sense of selves. You Y haplog gene sequence structure should tell you if you are truly white. Look for R1b. If you have it, you are truly "white." If you don't, well then... you are impure, and a half breed. I hope that, after reading this statement of fact, brings you to the realization that YOU are truly NOT white, and don't have a clue of what "white" truly is. Cheers....

  7. 99% of Spanish being taught in American schools is lower-class mestizo Spanish, not the Spanish of Cervantes.

    Even still, read some Trollope novels. In 19th century England, the English upper class considered Spanish to be a lower-class language.

  8. Whites just need to die off....but doesn't matter....all whites are hellbound.

  9. This blog is actually more anti-black racist than anti-white, ironically

  10. Soy Español, pertenezco al país que ha tenido el imperio mas poderoso de la historia y ha sido un referente imperialista de primeras. Mi idioma es mucho mas preciso que el tan estudiado e imprescindible ingles, ¿Y dices que el que aprende Español es una basura blanca? 4 Mil españoles vencieron a 44 mil rusos en Krasni Bor ( Operación Barbarroja) Busca la opinión de Hitler sobre los Españoles y tal vez te arrepientas de decir lo que has dicho. En cambio al Español de Sudamericano es pauperrimo. Le dimos un idioma y lo han destrozado de cabo a rabo.

    1. Bien dicho paisano...

      Yo le respondi al imbecil en ingles, para que no se confunda el idota que dijo que no somos "blancos"...Parece que se les han olvidado de la Division Azul...

      Aqui apunto mi respuesta al mestizo que anoto esa hilipolles...

      It's a shame. I must be trash. I speak Spanish... and English, French, Italian, and German. Incidentally, I'm Basque... you know, the oldest European Race, the one's that stopped the Moors from taking over Europe, the one's that volunteered for Hitler in the 250th Wehrmacht, you know the ones. Or do you? Unfortunately, we see you, the half bred Amerindian/European descendants in indentured servants, as the real mixed race. We need you to continue the indolent ideals of "Southern Heritage" so that we can continue to have the necessary populous of indigent, ignorant, moronic, inbred asking us things like, "Do you want fries with that?", or my personal favorite, "Hey y'all, watch this!", as you test Darwinism to its fullest measure. We need imbeciles, such as those of you that believe Northern Spanish people are not white, to continue to enlist and "serve" in our armed forces, so that we, the true, oldest, longest living undoubtedly whitest individuals on the planet, we Basques, can continue to thrive economically from your misconstrued ideals borne from the sweat of your "white supremacist" false sense of selves. Your Y haplog gene sequence structure should tell you if you are truly white. Look for R1b. If you have it, you are truly "white." If you don't, well then... you are impure, and a half breed. I hope that, after reading this statement of fact, brings you to the realization that YOU are truly NOT white, and don't have a clue of what "white" truly is. Cheers....

  11. 4, 5, and 7 are markers of wealthy white liberals, not white trash. Eating weird ethnic food? Studying a foreign language? And especially pathological altruism?

    White trash sleep around, abandon their kids, do drugs, don't work, drink too much, talk too loud, wear fake hair and overpriced clothes and too much make-up.

  12. I cant believe I'm reading this nonsense. Spanish is not considered a lower class language? Considering
    majority of whites have difficulty speaking the language with horrible sounding accents. Just spend some time with a scottish family in southern california. Answer in a nutshell. Bros, meth addicts and white convicts.

  13. It's not about race anymore, it's about class. I'm white, and my wife is Mexican. We are both college graduates, and unlike most of the people here we are certainly not trash. Lower class whites (the rednecks on this forum) are threatened by the other races rising up the socioeconomic food chain. If you are uneducated, crass, and racist you are white trash. I'll take my sophisticated Latina over a fat piece of trailer trash any day. Upper class whites are not threatened by other races. The uneducated, unskilled laborer that watches 8 hours of TV everyday is.

    1. Sorry you're white trash because your wife is a spic

  14. This is laughable, not to mention embarrassing to read. This type idiocy is not what National Socialism stood for.

    1. Indeed... could not agree with you more!
